Giant Floppy Disk Becomes The Ultimate Retro Coffee Table

Giant Floppy Disk Becomes The Ultimate Retro Coffee Table
Giant Floppy Disk Becomes The Ultimate Retro Coffee Table

Do you remember the old 3.5 inch floppy disks? Chances are you don’t since those were abandoned quite a long time ago. Well, at least it was a long time ago if you compare it to the speed that technology pushes forward. Instead, the CD has become our main storage space (if we don’t count the Internet that is), and we’re even trying to push that out the window. The floppy disk has always been a symbol of change to me. When it was first introduced, it was a huge success, and people switched from those 5 1/4 floppy disks to the new 3.5 inch ones seemingly overnight. However, they are almost gone now, and we’re left with digital storage media. For the retro traveler, nothing could be more exciting than the giant floppy disk retro coffee table by the design duo Neulant van Exel.

It’s a valiant effort to keep the old present in our every day lives and to keep us remembering that technology is a constantly evolving entity. You don’t have to abandon the old entirely in order to push forward the new so to speak. This retro coffee table is anything but ordinary, especially for people that used to run their programs off of these almost otherworldly icons of retro technology.

The guys behind this retro coffee table have incorporated pretty much every single detail into it. I don’t think anyone will mistake it for anything other than a 3.5 inch floppy disk the second they see it. The table itself is 27.5” × 25.5” × 17.7” in size, and you can pre-order your very own retro coffee table if you feel the need to geek out that home of yours just a little bit more. When it comes to geekdom, there’s probably no more legendary item than the floppy disks of yesterday. I have no idea what the price is for this retro coffee table, but if you want the geekiest furniture available, your wallet is nothing but an obstacle in the way, right?


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