Factors to consider before buying a 3d printer in Singapore


3d printer in Singapore

A lot of Singaporeans are eager to invest in 3d printers as an alternative to importing “unfairly priced” finished products. The 3d printer has been proven to be a very useful machine for the production and discovery of new ideas, and its uses are constantly growing. However, it does not come without its own complications.

There are a lot of things to consider when you are planning to buy a 3d printer in Singapore. This article will give you a brief review of the things that you need to think about before investing your money in such an expensive machine.

  1. price-quality relationship:

A lot of people with limited budget options go for the cheapest 3d printers they could find while getting only average quality out of them. This doesn’t make sense as a machine that is capable of doing more than its prime competitors will cost you more. However, you can find 3d printers that are much cheaper than their counterparts.

-Printers that are provided by the local manufacturers are available at a much lower price.

-Printers that are imported from China and manufactured in Vietnam offer bargains because they do not have to meet the standards of quality. This can be something scary for Singaporeans, especially those who want to 3d print high-end models.

  1. Size:

Size is also a very important factor to consider when buying a 3d printer. Since the machine can be used to manufacture something as large as you want, the room that it takes must be a consideration when buying one.

If you have enough space in your home for an object of a few feet, then you will not have any problem with this aspect. Those who don’t have enough space may buy something smaller than their friends’ printers, but they will still get its benefits.

  1. Reputation of the seller company

 If you are planning to buy a 3d printer online, make sure it is from a reputable and registered company. A lot of companies sell 3d printers that do not even have the machines in the first place. These companies sell the machine with a promise that they will deliver it to you, and then they will send you a fake one. You should check the company’s website. How long has it been online? Check the seller’s profile on social media sites. Check out the ratings given by its past customers and look for reviews from those who have used their 3d printers in the past. You may also ask your friends and family members if they have ever bought a machine from that specific company before. Be sure to have their contact details so you can get in touch with them easily.

  1. Reputation of the manufacturer 

When you are looking for imported 3d printers, it is important that you know the reputation of the manufacturer. It would also be useful if you can get a reference from someone who has purchased a machine from that particular brand before so that you could ask him/her to explain to you in detail what he/she did like and disliked about it.


If you follow these things while purchasing a 3d printer, you will be sure to put in the best of your money. Investing in a good machine can turn out to be more useful than simply saving money. However, it is important that you do not purchase a machine that is too expensive because you might end up buying it with the wrong purpose in mind.


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