Drug Addiction Among Teens: Signs, Consequences, And Treatment


Teenage is a special period in the life of a child and in the life of their parents. The child grows up, tries to make the first independent decisions, and, of course, begins to spend more time outside the home. This is a normal period of a child’s development. But it is at this age that conflicts often arise in families, with peers. Misunderstandings, insults, and some unexplained situations can push a child to use drugs. It is an attempt to hide, to get out of trouble.

One of the reasons for drug use is curiosity, as the online suboxone doctors for people who have opioid use disorder from rehab centers for teens say., it is difficult for him to resist. When a teenager has not yet formed his point of view, he is exposed to the influence of the group. At this age, it is characterized by collective drug use. There are cases of violent use when a young person is drugged. Of great importance is the environment, well-being in the family, the example of parents. To detect early signs of drug use, at the stage of the first attempts, pay attention to how your child feels.

More than 25-50% of children aged 12-15 have an experience drug use, and more than half of these children have experienced repeated use, which indicates the seriousness of the problem of adolescent drug addiction. Therefore it is crucial to look for help and proper treatment at teenage drug rehab where the doctors can provide the best ways of quitting drugs.

Signs of psychotropic abuse

The use of drugs is evidenced by mood swings – from euphoria, and fun to aggression, anger, and irritability. These states change very quickly. The rhythm of sleep is lost – during the day the child may be weak, sleepy, and in the evening becomes more active, eager to walk. Then he lingers, arrives late, or doesn’t come home at all. Characteristic of the appearance of new expressions in children, the so-called “jargon” or “slang”. This is not a 100% sign that the child is using or trying drugs, but it may indicate a dangerous circle of communication. New friends appear, the child tries to hide their names, phone numbers, cheats, leaves the room when someone calls.

Children become closed, alienated from loved ones, miss classes, steal, take things out of the house, there is a tendency to depression.

Changes in appetite are also characteristic. After taking some drugs, sometimes there is a “wolf” appetite, characterized by a craving for sweets and thirst. The body struggles and thus tries to dilute the narcotic poison.

Adolescents who use drugs become untidy. They stop paying attention to their appearance.

Another characteristic feature is a change in the pupils. Normally, a person’s pupils in the light, they narrow, and in the dark – expand. If a teenager’s pupils are dilated to almost the entire eye and do not respond to bright light, this may be a sign that the child is under the influence of drugs. The opposite situation should also alert parents – if the pupils are very narrow and do not dilate in the dark.

Psychological causes of drug addiction

Adolescents aged 12-15 years experience an intense change in body and mental physiology on a hormonal background. Psychological factors such as family problems, adolescent violence, improper upbringing, psychological influence of peers can push a teenager to use drugs. As a result, the teenager tries to get away from the existing problems in the simplest way – taking illicit substances.

The first try

There is often an opinion among young people that there is nothing wrong with trying a drug once. This is a very dangerous mistake. Even the first acquaintance with the drug can cause an allergic reaction, exacerbation of a hidden heart defect, acute oxygen deficiency in brain cells and heart muscle, and can be fatal.

The younger a person is, the more detrimental the drug is to their body. Chronic drug poisoning dramatically slows growth, physical and psychological development. Drug addiction also affects offspring. Even short-term drug use in adolescence has a negative effect on the health of future offspring. Drugs are especially dangerous for pregnant women.

According to the specialists from teen rehabs, druAccording to the specialists from teen drug rehabs, drug addicts are not able to concentrate, perform skilled work and need help from specialists like those at drug rehabs at Nashua, NH. Their professional suitability is limited, so many are forced to give up their favorite business. Having ruined their health, drug addicts move away from the profession, from the opportunities to provide for their own needs, become a burden for relatives and superfluous in society. All their energy, all their desires are aimed solely at extracting and taking drugs.

Key signs of teen addiction

Symptomatic manifestations may have their own characteristics, depending on the type of drug used. However, there are common signs that can determine a teenager’s involvement in drug use.

Usually, teens who take drugs try to avoid open conversations about drugs, lie about the location, the reasons for the delay in walking, move away from normal family relationships, stop obeying and violate the direct instructions of parents. Adolescent addiction can also be indicated by abrupt changes in behavior, accompanied by impaired speech and coordination of movements, and increased emotionality.

After use, the classic symptoms may appear in the form of redness of the eyes, psycho-emotional disorders, etc.

Consequences of adolescent addiction

The consequences are obviously negative. Young drug addicts may suffer from delays in intellectual and physical development, they have dysfunction of internal organs, mental disorders, girls – menstrual disorders and infertility, and men – impotence. Concomitant or sexually transmitted diseases are also common: gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, and other infections.

If adolescent drug addiction is detected or there is a reasonable suspicion, it is necessary to immediately consult a narcologist at teenage drug rehab centers near me for diagnosis and treatment.

Drug addiction cripples the personality, and changes a person’s character. Such patients become selfish: indifferent, lying, and emotionally unstable. In them, gloomy irritability and aggression quickly change to complete indifference, memory deteriorates, and mental abilities degrade to dementia and disability. Adolescents who use drugs have difficulty communicating, especially with loved ones. They perceive their surroundings and their relatives as potential enemies. The addict suffers himself and makes his loved ones suffer.

Patients with drug addiction constantly lure unstable teenagers into their “ranks” and involve them in drug use. In addition, they run the risk of infecting themselves and infecting others with tuberculosis, hepatitis C, HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, and other dangerous infectious diseases.

Most of the students surveyed said that they could relatively easily get drugs from traffickers at a disco, bar, or street. Drugs remain available and widespread among various segments of the population and especially among young people.

Therefore, the fight against this danger should also begin at an early age. Look for rehabilitation centers for teenagers in order not to waste time and prevent the growth of morbidity.


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