Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can affect your lifestyle – know what to do!


COPD is an acronym for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. COPD is a progressive lung disease that leads to permanent impairment of airflow. It can be caused by smoking and air pollution, but it can also result from non-smoking-related diseases. It’s estimated that approximately one in three people in the world have this condition to some degree, which means everyone has a risk of developing this disease or having it diagnosed at some point in their life.

  • What is COPD?

The most common symptom of COPD is chronic cough caused by the buildup of mucous in the airways from inflammation (swelling) and excess mucous production. The airways and lungs become damaged over time, making breathing harder. As a result, people with COPD often have trouble breathing profoundly or quickly enough to get enough oxygen into their lungs. It can make them constantly feel out of breath. You can also buy medicines at a reliable price using a Breo coupon.

  • Common symptoms of COPD

One of the most important things to understand about COPD is that its progressive nature can make it difficult to diagnose. Many people with COPD initially believe they aren’t having any lung problems or that their issues are simply due to aging or stress. For example, menopause is often a factor in women’s aging of the lungs, and scientists have found that how much a woman smokes may be a result of her declining estrogen levels and the condition’s progression. 

These are just some examples of symptoms being misinterpreted as something else. As the disease progresses, other symptoms surface shortness of breath, wheezing, and tightness in the chest. These symptoms may be more severe than the initial symptoms of a simple cough. In more advanced stages, sufferers will feel as though they are suffocating because they can’t get enough air into their lungs.

  • What leads to COPD?

Many things cause COPD. this can range from just being around the fumes and smoke of cigarettes to working in a mine with those toxic chemicals in the air and dust. Other causes include family history, lifestyle factors, and genetics. In many cases, no one reason may be found. The first and most common symptom of COPD is coughing. This can get better with breathing treatments, but this treatment only helps temporarily and doesn’t cure the problem.

  • When to see a doctor?

If you or someone you know has been experiencing any of the symptoms listed above for a long time, it may be wise to see a doctor about a possible diagnosis. For example, coughing that occurs after smoking or exposure to smoke can indicate COPD. If the coughing only happens when the person breathes in, this could tell asthma, not COPD.


COPD is a progressive lung disease that may permanently impair airflow. People can neither prevent this condition nor reverse it, but people can control it. Smoking and air pollution are some of the most significant risk factors for developing this condition, and, in some cases, genetics or family history is also a factor. Therefore, early diagnosis is essential to prevent further damage to the lungs.


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