Changing mindsets to get rid of self-doubt


We all have our moments of self-doubt; yes, even those who exude confidence also suffer from moments of despair here and there. And if your mindset is correct, and your thinking patterns are not self-deprecatory, these moments can easily be overcome. 

However, not everyone is so self-assured as to easily get over the moments of self-doubt. For many, in fact, the situation is perpetual. The key component of their thinking is indeed lack of faith in their own abilities. 

Unfortunately, there is also a negative loop associated with self-doubt. Not only do you doubt in your abilities, but it is then very easy to enter the realm where you berate yourself for the doubt, starting a cycle that drains your mental energies and jeopardizes your mental wellbeing. 

Hence, it is important that we address the issue of self-doubt. It is, however, vital to note the underlying cause for the doubt. While in some cases it can be chalked to life and bad experiences, in others, it is on account of the nurturing environment. People who are raised to feel unworthy are more likely then to run into such problems. In such complex cases, it is helpful to have a Psychologist in Lahore on board since they are better equipped to handle the intricacies of the process. 

Changing mindsets associated with self-doubt 

If self-doubt is your foe, know that it can be tackled with a few handy tips. Consistency in practice is key, however. Some helpful ways to change your negative mindsets about yourself include:

Choose your words carefully 

Your choice of words is important. There are many ways to say something, but the words and tones can change the impact of these words. 

So, try to reorient your thinking by changing your choice of words. When you put a positive spin to them, their impact also becomes better, instead of self-crippling. 

For example, rather than saying I am a failure, say I am a work in progress. Rather than saying I can’t do this, say I am learning how to do this. This way, your overall outlook also becomes positive. 

Everyone has their own learning curves

Many people have the onslaught of self-doubt when they compare themselves to others, especially their peers or siblings. This comparison needs to end immediately; everyone has their own learning curve and set of challenges. 

This use competition with others does not benefit you in any way, and on the contrary, hurts your self-esteem. Change this comparison mindset to move forward!

Find the cause 

Unless you find the root of the problem, remedying it would be rather hard. So, try to identify where it all started. And you can then start to undo the damage from there then, so that your brain gets rewired in a productive way. 

For example, if your peers bullied you into thinking that you are not worthy, then deconstruct it. Tell yourself that they were abusing you, and there is not an iota of reality to it. Kids who are meanspirited are in fact the ones needing help. Once you identify that the belief is not based in reality, debunking and shedding it becomes easier. 

Focus on the good 

It may also help for you to focus on your achievements and accomplishments. When you get perspective on how you have already overcome challenges and adversities, your faith in yourself will also be restored then. 

Get help 

If the issue is more deep-rooted, then it will take some time for you to overcome the problem of self-doubt. It may be hard but is not impossible. So persistently work on your target. 

Some people, however, might also need help from a mental health expert like the Best Psychologist in Karachi, for the reason why people doubt themselves might be grounded in more complex issues like parenting problems, trauma, verbal abuse etc., meriting then the help of a qualified individual. 


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