Are You Planning For a Company Picnic This Summer? What Essential Things Do You Need?


Even though the summer months might seem uncomfortable, the weather motivates people to go outside their houses and indulge in fun activities. Barbeques and picnics are undoubtedly great team-building ways for any event. As employees are one of the essential parts of any organization, summer is undoubtedly the best season where you can encourage your employees to participate in team-building activities. Not to mention, this will help employees interact and connect with each other. 

But the planning phase of the company picnic might seem daunting. Here are the essential things you need to consider while planning for a company picnic this summer. 

Choose a Perfect Date and Venue 

Your very first task is to choose a perfect location where you can organize the business picnic. Make sure you choose a location that is more or less accessible to all of your employees. Additionally, the location has to be far away from busy and crowded places. This way, everyone will be able to relax and spend some quality time together. Here are some popular choices you need to keep in mind while choosing the venue for your event:

  • Park 
  • Community center 
  • High rise rooftop 
  • Restaurant 
  • Outdoor banquet 

Once you choose the perfect location, you need to decide the best date so that you can maximize attendance. However, you might not get your desired time and date due to various influential factors such as weekends, availability, family issues, work pressure, etc. 

Choose a Perfect Theme 

This is another important thing you need to remember while planning a company picnic in the upcoming summer. Even though some business owners assume that there is not an essential component for a corporate picnic, it will undoubtedly help you influence and structure all planning decisions. Choosing customize party banner for your corporate picnic will not only make the event more enjoyable but also more coherent. Make sure you choose the theme of the corporate picnic as per the activity, location, and event. 

It doesn’t matter what theme you choose, don’t forget to use the party banners as well as some step & repeat banners. The party banners will become a hotspot for the employees, where they can take a picture and upload them on social media platforms. This is a great promotional approach that will boost the visibility of your brand. 

Consider Catering Services 

The catering services are the heart and soul of every event, especially for corporate picnics. Unlike standard picnics, corporate picnics might have large attendees. Therefore, you need to pay close attention to the catering services to serve drinks and food. No matter where you plan to organize the event, this is a must thing to consider. As per Lux Review, when you choose reputed catering services, they will present delightful and mouth-watering drinks and foods on eye-catching table covers. 

If you don’t want to face the hassle of arranging food and drinks, you should choose the perfect catering service. The various cuisine choices and delightful food presentation will make the event more meaningful. 


These are the essential things you need for a company picnic in summer. What are your thoughts? Make sure you let us know in the comment section.  


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