ADONIS Assisted Reproductive Technologies


Canadian Surrogacy

Surrogacy services together with the whole variety of options that Assisted Reproductive Technologies to propose, help to overcome fertility problems in people who dream about parenting but despair to conceive naturally.

Qualitative medical help of ADONIS in the sphere of Reproductive health is the choice of numerous families from the whole world who are happy parents now with beautiful babies in their hands. 

Surrogacy process in ADONIS clinic

The surrogacy process is an assisted reproductive technology, which consists of a ​​ voluntary agreement of a totally healthy woman to become pregnant in order to bear and give birth to a child who is biologically alien to her. After the birth, the baby is given up for upbringing to other persons – genetic parents (intended parents).

According to the Ukrainian legislation, at least one of the intended parents must be genetically related to the baby which is born with the help of Surrogacy. The surrogate mother must have no genetic connection with the baby she cares for another family. 

ADONIS Group of Companies provide highly technological treatment in compliance with all norms and standards of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. We have our own base of Surrogates to use during infertility treatment. Each candidate is thoughtfully diagnosed with approval of total health, both mental and physical. 

ADONIS Surrogate Programs is your real chance to have a healthy born baby, with all-around control and safety in each process. 

Such a substantial treatment approach maximizes your successful results because such an approach is substantive for ADONIS.

ADONIS variety of Surrogacy treatment options is really impressive:

  • Surrogacy
  • Surrogacy + Sperm Donation
  • Surrogacy + Egg Donation
  • Surrogacy + Egg Donation, Unlimited Attempts
  • Surrogacy (with frozen embryo transfer – FET)

Legal protection

ADONIS Surrogacy specializes only in gestational surrogacy based on IVF. This type of Assisted Reproductive Technology is fully legalized by Ukrainian legislation. 

The stability and long-term cooperation between ADONIS and legal structures ensure the comprehensive safety of our intended parents. The Surrogate mother has no parental authority – the intended parents are legal parents with a full range of rights for the baby. This aspect is really important to know for future parents because such a level of safety is provided not everywhere (Canadian Surrogacy has another level of safety). 

ADONIS ‘own Legal Department is your qualitative help with documentation and legal regulations, it is your best defense during the whole treatment process. 

Be safe and confident, because you’re with the ADONIS clinic.

All-round support

In addition to highly qualified medical assistance, ADONIS Surrogacy Programs include all-around support and non-medical services for the total convenience of our patients. 

Your treatment process and staying in Ukraine are totally thought out beforehand. You can take advantage of the variety of non-medical proposals: 

  • coordination services (with the personal coordinator for each client)
  • translation services 
  • notarization and legal services 
  • accommodation/ hotel booking support
  • airport-hotel-airport transfer services

ADONIS Medical Group of Companies is one of the largest medical private groups with the Surrogacy specialization not only in Ukraine but in the world (when compared with other Surrogacy agencies). The highest quality treatment and affordability of the services are ADONIS’s main features. Take advantage of the world-level Surrogacy treatment – take advantage of being with ADONIS.


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