A Complete Guide to Vata Dosha and What to Do About It


Vata Dosha

Ayurveda is an ancient science that contains the secrets of life and knowledge passed down through the centuries. The most important of these are physical, social, and mental health care. Our environment changes from year to year: day and night, weather, seasons, and sunshine. In order to adapt and adapt to these natural changes, our body needs some modifications to adapt to our environment.

Ayurveda works as a guide on how to improve health and well-being by keeping our bodies aligned with our environment. When looking for a modern way of life and a troubled culture, we often forget to take care of our body and mind. With the start of the pandemic, it has become increasingly important for us to focus on health and give proper attention to the body and the changes it needs as this affects the world.

The Tridosha Rule of Ayurveda

According to Ayurvedic research, the human body is made up of three main forces, or Tridoshas, ​​Vata dosha, Pitta dosha, and Kapha dosha. Like everything in the world, this energy comes from Pancha Mahabuta or the five elements of nature: air, water, space, earth, and fire. Each dosha is a unique combination of these concepts, driving our lives and ensuring the proper functioning of the body.

Vata dosha is responsible for all bodily movements and flows, such as inhalation, brain conduction, bodily excretion, respiration, and cognition. Pitta dosha is responsible for biochemical and metabolic processes such as digestion and heat transfer to the body to generate heat and energy. Kapha Dosha synthesizes the components of the body to provide security, support, and balance to the body.

What is Vata Dosha in Ayurveda?

Vata dosha is an air or wind dosha, so it comes from air and space. According to Ayurveda, Vata dosha plays an important and vital role in the body as it governs Pitta and Kapha dosha. Vata dosha maintains the proper functioning of all vital and intermediate functions of the body through the brain, tissues, liver, body, and spirit.

The Vata doshas are found throughout the human body as five interrelated Vayu or sub-doshas that combine to help maintain daily value. These five are prana bayu, samana bayu, Viana bayu, udana bay and apana bay.

Prana Dosha: It represents the power of the original energy and atmosphere. It travels through the head, chest, and neck and is found in the center of the brain. It monitors our brain, breathing, and heart by regulating metabolic processes such as breathing, swallowing, heart rate, and body-to-body connections.

Udana dosha: Located in the chest and in the middle of the throat. Because it is airborne, it controls our system of external expressions such as breathing, voice, speech, exhalation, sound, etc. At the same time, they are also responsible for energy, immunity, and good memory.

Vyana dosha: This sub-dosha is in the middle of the heart and controls all circulation. It diffuses the air distributed throughout the body. Because it is at the heart, it controls our thoughts, emotions, mental impulses, and muscle contractions.

Samana dosha: Between the chest and the gastrointestinal tract, in the small intestine. This air helps maintain a healthy stomach and maintain good health.

Apana dosha: This is the lowest point in the air. It is located in the middle of the intestine and is responsible for many impulses that travel downward. Some of the impulses dominated by Apana are urination, urination, pregnancy, and sex.

Characteristics of Vata Dominant People

Because Vata dosha comes from air and space, the Vata dominant person is like the wind and is constantly on the move. They are known for their speed, agility, and ability to get a lot of work done. These people are quick-witted and creative and can enjoy a good job like art, dancing, or music. Their creativity is combined with the search for knowledge and the desire to learn new ideas. At their best, Vata is essential for people to have fun.

Unhealthy behaviors include sleep deprivation, anxiety disorders, weakness, and lack of appetite.

It is impossible for a dosha to always be in balance in everyday life. Due to COVID-19, the potential for Dosha skepticism has increased.

According to Ayurveda, people experience dosha imbalances in which one or more doshas do not remain in their optimal values ​​and that depends on the dosha composition of the body.


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