Medical advantages of Alum


Alum is most certainly the name typically gave to two normal salts: potassium aluminum phosphate as well as ammonium aluminum sulfate. In its normally happening state, the substance has been used for over 2,000 years in the wide scope of utilizations. Preceding the beginning of the twentieth century, it totally was consistently produced as well as used for pickling, canning, tanning calfskin, and baking. From that point on, its utilization in food handling logically diminished because of safety worries over its aftereffects. Experts inside the fields of medication as well as medical services, nonetheless, still regularly use it to manage wounds as well as infection.
In prescription, alum is regularly utilized similarly as one astringent to recoil tissues and limit the arrival of body liquids, as a styptic to contract natural tissues and stop or abatement drain and dying, and as an emetic specialist to invigorate retching on the off chance that someone has ingested poison. Moreover it is often used to support specific antibodies and furthermore to stay away from or treat diseases. Veterinarians ordinarily prescribe pet people to utilize the powdered form to creature cuts welcomed on by inappropriate nail managing to quit dying.

When this compound is used to help an immunization, it truly is viewed as an adjuvant, or valuable contributing specialist. Adjuvants that contains aluminum have displayed to make a few immunizations last longer and appear to as often as possible assist with making more antibodies against sickness. Somewhat normal antibodies authorized in the United States and ordinarily directed to kids incorporate diphtheria-lockjaw pertussis (DTP), where pertussis is regularly alluded to as outshining hack; diphtheria-lockjaw a cell pertussis (DTaP), a cell meaning no entire cells of pertussis; Hepatitis An and B; human papillomavirus (HPV); and rabies.

Many individuals imagine that powdered alum is a productive home remedy for ulcer. Advocates {of the|with this} type of treatment regularly proclaim that touching the sore with the powder a few times every day will speed up mending. Anybody taking on this course of treatment need to, notwithstanding, be comfortable with the conceivable adverse consequences: wounds may potentially incidentally consume and furthermore the powder might cause puckering of the mouth at times. Specialists additionally proposed that the individuals who utilize the powder in or near the mouth flush their mouths alongside water following treatment on the grounds that the compound could cause heaving.

Alum is as yet a part of a few ordinary items present in numerous drug cupboards. For example, individuals habitually use styptic pencils – short sticks of formed alum alongside focuses very much like pencils – to abstain from draining from razor cuts from shaving. The substance is moreover frequently recorded in the elements of toothpaste as well as tooth powder.

Medical advantages of Alum

Alum is regularly used to channel debasements through water and make it clean. Anyway this isn’t the main utilization of the salt as it very well may be used for a considerable length of time and wellbeing capacities. Right from managing skin inflammation to assisting you with managing muscle cramps, you might utilize alum to address numerous ailments. What’s more, the best part is, it truly is promptly accessible and not very expensive.Listed here are some normal Health upgrades of Alum

1. Alum for Canker Sores

By and large for ulcer, a small piece of alum is powdered and afterward a spot of that alum powder is squeezed inside the blister. It stings for quite a while, yet relatively soon, typically the individual is feeling better of infection. Be that as it may, many really prefer not to use the alum powder thusly and little youngsters will find it difficult to manage the consume welcomed on in view of alum powder. This specific custom made alum mouth flush is incredible strategy to utilize alum to eliminate mouth wounds. To assist with making the wash, powder alum in the mortar as well as pestle. Bubble water in the dish along with minimal salt, when the salt has disintegrated detract from the hotness and blend in the alum powder. When the alum has disintegrated, strain and afterward use it like a mouth flush at least 2 to multiple times every day. Salt is furthermore incredibly viable for treating ulcer and furthermore this mouth wash could be securely used by both old and youthful. Assuming you are utilizing the crude alum powder, make certain never to swallow it while applying on the blister and utilize only a bit of touch.

2. Alum for Eye Abscess

Alum is ideally suited for managing eye ulcer. One of my family members who prepared me the cure have been using it for eye boil for a long time. For the treatment of ulcer, rub alum on the sandalwood stone along with little water. You really want to rub it pleasantly to get a glue, since it doesn’t focus on a glue without any problem. This specific glue is very successful additionally it stings from the outset, at whatever point utilized. Anyway the bubble breaks around the same time it truly is utilized, giving one a decent rest from eye canker. This stone could be saved for quite a long time and furthermore utilized.

3. Use as a mouth wash

One of the vital reasons for foul breath is most certainly the development of microbes, which frequently make poisons and acids. Washing alongside alum mouthwash forestalls the bacterial development as well as washes off the microorganisms.

4. Alleviates muscle cramps

Alum, at whatever point utilized in mix with turmeric, acts as an optimal normal solution for ease muscle cramps. The blood diminishing characteristics of alum as well as disinfectant characteristics of turmeric functions admirably for this way.

5. Alum for Cracked Heels

Alum powder is incredibly gainful in managing broken heels. Only for this cure alum is warmed in a small vacant kadai. At the point when we heat alum, it liquifies as well as froths. When all of the water dissipates, we’re left with a brittle combination. When it chills off, it truly is powdered and joined with coconut oil and applied on the legs. The blend should be ground without a hitch, else it will probably be difficult to apply it around the heels. This specific cure gives staggeringly great alleviation, whenever used consistently for some time.

6. Draining cuts

A couple of examination has shown that this one even can manage the draining cuts. You can spread the alum buildup on such slices to forestall an extra loss of blood. Yet, here, recollect that in the event that your cut is too profound and furthermore the draining is essentially not halting, then, at that point, you’ll require some expert clinical assistance. Thus, during that time, don’t simply rely upon an alum buildup.

7. Alum for Shaving

Alum has been used similarly as one face ointment solution for quite a long time. When you start utilizing alum, you will dispose of the expensive face ointments in general. The absolute first time, you will dislike it, but in the event that you essentially keep utilizing it, you’ll observe hopeful improvement in you complexion. To use, in the wake of shaving, rub a touch of alum block inside the wet face for two or three seconds. You may either wash it off or allow it to rest onto the skin.

8. Alum for competitor’s foot

Alum powder is likely the home solution for manage competitor’s foot. Incorporate 2-3 tbsp of alum powder in warm water and absorb the feet water until the water stays hot or warm. Douse for something like 20 minutes. Dry the feet and wear no manufactured textures up until the competitor’s foot is relieved. Keep doing this day to day to decrease competitor’s foot quickly.

9. Alum for Water Purification

Alum is mind boggling for water treatment. To purge the sloppy water, powder alum and add around 1 gm of alum powder for every liter of sloppy water. You’ll observe the sloppy particles settling down, giving you clear water. Next time you go on the setting up camp excursion, if it’s not too much trouble, take a little square of alum along with you.

10. Alum as a Deodorant

Alum is incredible like an antiperspirant on account of it’s microorganism killing as well as against bacterial characteristics. To assist with making the antiperspirant, powder alum along with little myrhh and afterward use it as cleaning powder, or you may very well wet an alum square and afterward use it. However it’s prescribed to utilize it consistently day instead of each singling day.

11. Alum for Hair Removal

Alum is customarily utilized for hair evacuation. Ladies in recorded ages used alum for eliminating undesirable beards very much like upper lip hair. Blend 1/2 tsp of alum powder alongside 1 tsp of rose water and keep it prepared. Change how much alum powder as well as water on a case by case basis. The proportion of alum powder to rose water is 1:2 generally. Whenever hair is eliminated or in any event, waxing is finished, utilize the alum blend on the face or even where you would like the beards to be taken out. Allow it to rest for 20 minutes. Assuming you feel that the blend gets evaporated, you can sprinkle rose water on it to assist with keeping it on additional time. Clean completely and wipe the go head to head. This should be possible on all fours as well. Use cream after pat drying to keep the region saturated. Normal coconut oil can utilized as saturate. Do whatever it takes not to apply around the eye as well as encompassing regions.

12. Alum for Wrinkles

As a result of inward or even outside factors the skin will lose adaptability prompting almost negligible differences and kinks. They ruin your appearance as well as give pre-maturing indications. Famous specialists getting by in alum square might help you in reducing wrinkles.

13. Alum for Treating Pimples

Skin break out is the most common skin issue and it’s near difficult to keep away from them. There are various home accessible fixes to manage pimples and lower aggravation. Utilizing its microorganism killing as well as cooling characteristics alum powder can be utilized a facial covering to dispense with pimples.

14. Alum for Lice Treatments

Alum might be utilized proficiently to wipe out hair lice. To assist with making the lice treatment, powdered alum is consolidated in water along with little tea tree oil. This blend when applied to the scalp for some time, assists you with killing lice.

15. Forestalls pre-mature maturing

Very few people understand that alum powder comprises of against maturing characteristics and thusly, forestalls pre-mature maturing and keeps the skin delicate.

16. Alum for Body Odor

When your body discharges sweat, the food compounds in sweat draw in microbes that leave awkward smell just subsequent to benefiting from these mixtures. Use alum block on pre-washed arms on elective days. Against bacterial as well as microorganism killing characteristics living in alum will battle and limit bacterial contamination.

17. Fixes the Vagina

Exceptional characteristics in alum square can straighten out the vagina dividers. Yet, it’s dangerous to use for extremely prolonged stretch of time, as it could harm vaginal tissues as well as dry them.

18. Battles looseness of the bowels

In view of its drying impact, Alum root might assist manage the runs. Local Indians attempted it to manage stomach issues. To manage looseness of the bowels, drink a solid cup of tea created from the root and be certain you allude to the directions.

19. Treats diarrhea

Scientists guarantee that Alum root could help in the administration of loose bowels. Just have a solid cup of tea from Alum root up until you feel far improved. Nonetheless, don’t consume significantly in excess of 20 cups every day.

Ayurvedic medical advantages of Alum

To make alum mouthwash, heat up a glass of water and incorporate a spot of salt into it. Blend it successfully so the salt breaks down completely. Presently incorporate some alum powder and mix. Strain the arrangement once it chills off and wash the mouth region with this specific mouthwash two times day to day. Recall not to swallow the arrangement, especially in the event that you are using crude powder.
To use alum for lice, essentially take powdered alum and mix it in water. Incorporate a little tea tree oil to the combination. Presently utilize the blend in your scalp as well as back rub for ten minutes, not long prior to washing it off alongside cool water. Remember to cleanser as well as condition the hair following this. Attempt this for few days two times each week to decrease lice.
Scowl pack by consolidating a teaspoon of multani mitti, two teaspoon of egg white alongside a teaspoon of alum powder. Utilize this on pimples and skin break out scarring and afterward leave it for fifteen minutes. Wash it off alongside cool water. Attempt this 3 times each week to kill skin inflammation scarring and pimples.
Take a touch of alum and wet it in water. Presently, rub every last bit of it over your face. This can fix the skin in only seven days’ time. Presently wash the face using cold water and utilize a top quality cream.
Rub a touch of alum on an unpleasant surface utilizing a spot of turmeric and water to make a thick glue. Use it on the muscle issues and afterward pass on it to dry normally. Attempt this two times every day for 2 – 3 days to dispense with the aggravation and enlarging.
Alum in rock structure is used similarly as one post-shaving astringent. Whenever it is scoured on the newly shaved face, its astringent property assists you with keeping away from and lower draining in minor cuts as well as scraped areas..
Alum glue assists you with blasting the mass same day at whatever point applied. Rub alum block on shoe wood with the expansion of little water. Gather the acquired glue in the bowl and use remotely inside the boil.
Blend little amount of alum in water as well as flush in mouth. Over portion might harm you.
Rub alum block over face substitute days to dispense with face pigmentation. You can likewise use it as facial covering joined with multani mitti and water.
Alum is effectively used for fix of tonsillitis in Ayurveda. A mix made by blending 2 touch of alum powder, ¼th teaspoon of turmeric in 1 cup of warm water. This blend should be used for swish to manage tonsillitis.
Bubble water alongside Alum and permit it to cool. Wash face with this specific virus water that eases up the appearance and tones the skin.
Potash alum can be utilized to make pickle in kitchens.

2 teaspoon of lemon juice should be joined with a minuscule amount alum powder. Utilize this blend on bothersome skin.

Make a blend by adding powdered alum to 1/4 cup of alongside hazel and use it on the skin to get rest from skin break out or pimples.
Bubble alum in some water and after that wash your fingers with this specific water and you might get rest from enlarging or tingling welcomed on by extreme work with water in the cold weather months.
To forestall the problem welcomed on by loose bowels and looseness of the bowels, you can finely crush the alum, then, at that point, broil it and presently assuming you take this simmered alum with rose water, it’ll stop ridiculous the runs.
The individuals who is experiencing the difficulty of exorbitant perspiring, they can disintegrate alum inside their washing water to acquire rest from this issue.
On the off chance that you’re battling with the aggravation welcomed on by a physical issue, you can absolutely have 1.5 gm alum powder alongside milk and it’ll help you in decreasing agony.
In the event that you’re battling with dental agony, you’ll have the option to crush alum alongside dark pepper and furthermore focus on this blend the underlying foundations of teeth and it’ll alleviate you from dental torment.
½ gm alum powder joined with honey advantages in asthma and hack.
Set up the powder of alum and Reetha (Sapindus Mukorossi) pip. Apply this blend around the teeth to get rest from torment.
Set up the fine powder of alum as well as coal powder of Jamun/Jambul (Syzygium cumini) wood. Rub the teeth and gums with this specific blend to stay away from Pyorrhoea.
In Jaundice treatment alum is incredibly useful. Make the fine powder of 5 gram Alum and gap into equivalent 10 sections. Use one section or portion day to day threefold per day alongside cow milk.
In inward injuries or injury apply specific alum alongside Haldi (Turmeric) milk. Heat up the milk alongside blending a couple of turmeric and in the wake of cooling incorporate an Alum and use to recuperate inner injuries or injury.
Assuming you needed to manage Pee disappointment or even pee blockage issue then, at that point, break up a couple of alum in water and drink it. This specific fix likewise helpful to wipe out stone issue in 4-5 days.
Blend Glycerin and alum in 1:2 proportion and apply at broke heels each evening before you head to sleep. You could actually rub just a wet square of alum on the heel for comparative impacts.
Set up a foot douse using alum as opposed to washing sat and absorb the feet it for quite a while. This can impede the pointless sweat of the feet and hence can give new feet the entire day.
Alum similarly assists with taking out the irritation welcomed on by bug nibbles or rashes.
Utilize a wet square of alum and focus on it your underarms rather than using a roll on antiperspirant. This can stay away from the outrageous sweat moreover bestow reasonableness on the underarms.
For the entire day newness simply blend powder alum in the cup of water and afterward use it in your last wash while washing.
Absorb a little square of alum the glass of water to make a weakened arrangement and afterward use it after suppers like a mouth wash. This can confer newness in your mouth very much like a mouth wash does.
Basically absorb alum rose water and apply to the areas of outrageous hair development. Rehashing this consistently will dial back hair regrowth over the long run.
A touch of alum powder could be joined with water or rose water and applied it around the zits cautiously. Try not to rub it. Follow this technique everyday to dispense with the pimples easily. Utilize this with any normal facial coverings as well.
Add a drop of water into a touch of alum powder and use it on the mouth blister. Allow it to rest for 30 seconds and wash it off totally. Attempt this cycle a few times consistently to figure out the noticeable outcomes in 3 days or less.
A spot of alum powder and salt are remembered for cleanser while washing up to diminish the dandruff and furthermore to manage irritated scalp. Do whatever it takes not to add more alum.
Numerous business brands started using alum powder inside their item to fix dark circles. You can blend a touch of alum powder with water and use it around the dark circles. Do whatever it takes not to use on the eye.
Alum may likewise be utilized to kill and stop snails. Simply incorporate a tablespoon of alum powder to one gallon of water and permit the arrangement be in soil for over night. This will help kill any snails or its egg inside the dirt and you might keep establishes liberated from snails.
History of Alum

It is viewed as that the absolute originally recorded use of Potassium Alum was in verifiable China and Egypt for the scent limiting impacts. Approximately 100 A.D. is the point at which the Roman history specialist Plinus recorded the development of ALUMEN ROMANUM through the dreary dissolving of potassium alum records in water. The subsequent huge gems were generally used to {reduce|alleviate} inside aggravations.

In the eighth century, the absolute initial normalized production of alum through various crystalization occurred in what the future held Mesopotamia. These great precious stones were known as ALUMEN DE ROCCA. In 1248 A.D. a sizable alum industrial facility was implicit Naples. There the formation of a high grade potassium alum precious stone was used for helpful reasons, while a modern grade potassium alum was used for tanning cowhide and what’s viewed as among the main modern makers of paper.

In the fifteenth century, Bartholomew Perdix recored the presence of an alum plant on the island of Ischia. Giovanni de Castro began the well known alum plant of the Vatican in 1458. This provided the Pope with the syndication of alum that was delighted in before the sixteenth century when an enormous number of alum production lines existed in Germany. Inside the seventeenth century, alum creation began in England. In 1777, French scientific expert A.L. Lavoisier gave the absolute initially right portrayal of Kali-Alum, that is as yet delivered in Europe and used for the most part in modern purposes.

With a long history and various purposes, POTASSIUM ALUM has stayed an imperative piece of industry as well as medical services. Specialists from revered clinical offices like the Mayo Clinic have recommended gems for their patients alongside dermathtis and furthermore the Walter Reed Army Hospital proposes antiperspirant stone as well as fogs for their patients who’re post usable malignant growth patients getting radiation therapy. All are instances of 21st Century medication using an old, protected and unadulterated kind of security. We presently realize that we have a ton to thank history.

1. Sodium Alum

Sodium alum for the most part happens in nature since the mineral “Mendozite”. It truly is for the most part known as Soda Alum.It is very dissolvable in water, and is additionally incredibly difficult to sanitize. It is used in the assembling of baking powder notwithstanding an acidulant in food.

2. Ammonium alum

Ammonium alum, NH4Al(SO4)2•12H2O, a white glasslike twofold sulfate of aluminum, is used in water filtration, in veggie pastes, in earthenware concretes, in antiperspirants (however potassium alum is substantially more generally utilized), in tanning, coloring as well as in insulating materials.

3. Potash alum

Aluminum potassium sulfate, potash alum, KAl(SO4)2O is used similarly as one astringent as well as antisepsis in an assortment of food readiness systems like pickling as well as maturation and furthermore as a flocculant for water decontamination, in addition to other things. An average approach to making potash alum is emptying of alumina out of bauxite, that is then responded alongside potassium sulfate. Like a normally obtained mineral, potash alum is called alum-(K). Other potassium aluminum sulfate minerals are alunite (KAl(SO4)2•2Al(OH)3) as well as kalinite (KAl(SO4)2•11H2O).

4. Soft drink alum

Soft drink alum, NaAl(SO4)2•12H2O, generally happens in nature since the mineral mendozite. It is incredibly solvent in water, and is likewise very difficult to sanitize. Inside the planning of the salt, it is smarter to blend the part arrangements inside the cold, and furthermore to vanish them in a temperature not going over 60 °C. 100 pieces of water break up 110 pieces of sodium alum at 0 °C, and 51 sections at 16 °C. Soft drink alum is used inside the acidulent of food alongside the formation of baking powder.

5. Chrome Alum

Chrome alum or chromium alum has the equation KCr(SO4)2•12H2O. This profound violet compound is used in tanning and could be incorporated with other alum to develop lavender or even purple precious stones.

6. Selenate Alums

Selenate alums happen at whatever point selenium replaces sulfur, so that rather than a sulfate you get a selenate, (SeO42-). The selenium-containing alums are strong oxidizing specialists, in order to be used for germicides, among different purposes.

7. Aluminum sulfate

Aluminum sulfate is known as papermaker’s alum. Despite the fact that reference to this compound as alum is extremely normal in modern correspondence, it’s not remembered to be actually right. Its characteristics are extremely unmistakable from those of the arrangement of alums depicted previously. Most modern flocculation finished with alum is truly aluminum sulfate.

The most effective method to choose

Verify that alum is inside strong gem structure as well as clear in look. Powdered alum should be in the fixed hermetically sealed holder as well as in appropriate bundled condition.

Instructions to Store

Keep the alum in gem structure/powder structure inside a hermetically sealed bundle in the cool, dim and dry spot.

Different Facts

It has been utilized basically since Roman times for refinement of drinking water.
Alum might be utilized in depilatory waxes utilized for the evacuation of body hair or applied to newly waxed skin as a calming specialist.
It is ordinarily utilized in water cleansing, calfskin tanning, coloring, flame resistant materials, and baking powder.
It likewise has restorative purposes as an antiperspirant, as a post-shaving astringent treatment and as a styptic for minor draining from shaving.

Culinary Uses

It is used like a water purifier since it will in general make strong pollutants get comfortable the bottoom of the compartment.
Alum is used as the acidic component of a few business baking powders.
Alum powder, found in the flavor part of supermarkets, can be used in pickling plans and furthermore as an additive to keep products of the soil freshness.
It might likewise be utilized to coagulate milk for plans very much like “Milk Cake” where the milk, sugar as well as alum combination is cooked till it thickens and looks like khoya. Use ¼ tsp alum for 2 liters full fat milk while planning Milk Cake.

Formula of Alum

1. Malai Barfi


2 cups disintegrated mava (khoya)
1 tbsp ghee
1/4 cup milk
1/8 tsp alum (phitkari) powder
1/2 cup sugar


Heat the ghee in the wide non-stick dish, add some mava and milk, blend well and cook on the medium fire for 3 to 4 minutes, while mixing consistently.
Add the alum powder, blend well and cook on the medium fire for certain seconds, while mixing continually.
Add the sugar, blend well and cook on the medium fire for 4 minutes, while mixing continually.
Move the mava blend in a lubed 100 mm. × 100 mm. (4″ × 4″) aluminum tin and spread it equally. Cover it involving a top and save to the side for a day.
Partition the mava combination into 10 equivalent bits.
Put each piece of the combination on a 75 mm. X 125 mm. (3″x5″) margarine paper and roll it up solidly. Press them daintily along with your fingers and level them.
Refrigerate for atleast Half an hour and serve right away or store refrigerated as well as serve chilled.

2. Speedy Milk Cake


3 cups disintegrated mava (khoya)
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 tsp alum (phitkari) (1 cm piece)
1 tbsp ghee
ghee for lubing
For The Garnish

2 tbsp whitened , stripped and finely hacked pistachios


Consolidate the mava and sugar in the expansive non-stick container, blend well and cook on a medium fire for 1 moment, while mixing continually.
Add the alum, blend well and cook on a medium fire for 2 extra minutes, while blending continually.
Add 1 tbsp of ghee, blend well and cook on the medium fire for 4 additional minutes or up until the combination becomes light brown in shading, while mixing persistently.
Bring down the fire and keep cooking for an extra 2 to 3 minutes or up until the combination will turn out to be thick, while blending consistently.
Move the combination in a lubed steel or even aluminum bowl of approx. . 125 mm. (5?) width and 100 mm. (4?) profound. Cover utilizing a top quickly while saving to the side at room temperature for 8 hours or till it sets.
Demould it through the bowl and cut into 10 equivalent cuts.
Embellish alongside pistachios and serve right away or store refrigerated.

3. Mango Barfi


1/2 cup readymade mango mash
2 cups disintegrated mava (khoya)
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tsp alum (phitkari) powder
For The Garnish

9 cashewnuts (kaju)


Join the mava as well as sugar in the expansive non-stick dish, mix well and cook on the mechanism for 2 minutes, while blending constantly.
Add the alum, blend well and cook on the medium fire for 4 minutes or up until the combination becomes light brown in shading, while mixing consistently.
Add the mango mash, blend well and cook on the medium fire for 11 minutes or up until the combination thickens leaving the sides of the dish totally, while mixing persistently.
Keep to the side to cool to some degree for 2 minutes and move the blend in a 150 mm. (6″) measurement and 25 mm. (1″) profound lubed plate.
Permit it to set for 8 hours.
Cut into 9 equivalent squares.
Serve or even store inside an impenetrable compartment.

Alum Health Concerns

A wide range of alum might cause disturbance on the skin as well as mucous layers.

Breathing alum might cause lung harm. Aluminum may likewise assault lung tissue. Since it is a salt, consuming huge amounts of alum will make you wiped out. For the most part ingesting alum makes you upchuck, but on the off chance that you essentially could hold it down, the alum could agitate the ionic harmony inside your circulatory system, similar as ingesting too much of some other electrolyte. Be that as it may, the principle worry about alum is long haul contact with low levels of the synthetic. Aluminum, from the eating routine or medical care item, may cause degeneration of sensory system tissue. It’s conceivable openness to aluminum can prompt a raised opportunity of specific tumors, mind plaques or Alzheimer’s Disease.

Alum Facts

Alum, ordinarily known as Fitkari, is a name of substance compound: the potassium twofold sulfate of aluminum. Alum is well known for water refinement, facial cleanser treatment and forestalling insidious impacts. Alum powder is utilized in a wide scope of utilizations from antiperspirants through to making pickles as it is fit for hindering bacterial development. Alum powder is utilized in calfskin tanning, coloring, baking powder and flame resistant materials.

Name Alum
Scientific Name Potassium aluminum sulfate
Native Europe
Common Names Alaun, Alum, Alumen, potash alum, potassium alum.
Name in Other Languages Chinese: Bai fan, Ming Fan shi
English: potash alum, potassium alum
Gujarati: Phatakadi
Hindi: Phitkari, Fitkari
Kannada: Patika
Malayalam: Fatakadi, Phatakadi
Nepali: Phitkari
Tamil: Patikaram, Padikaram
Telugu: Patika
Formula of Alum KAl(SO4)2.12H2O
Melting Point 92.5°C (198.5°F)
Boiling Point 200°C (392°F)
Alum Shape & Size Irregular crystalline Solid
Alum Color Colorless-to-white
Flavor/Aroma Odorless
Taste Little sweet taste
  • Potassium Alum
  • Soda Alum
  • Ammonium Alum
  • Chrome Alum
  • Selenate Alums
    Aluminum Sulfate
Different Forms Available Powder, cube, crystal
Health Benefits
  • Treats dysentery
  • Combats diarrhea
  • Tightens the Vagina
  • Alum for Body Odor
  • Prevents pre-mature ageing
  • Alum for Lice Treatments
  • Alum for Treating Pimples
  • Alum for Wrinkles
  • Alum for Hair Removal
  • Alum as a Deodorant
  • Alum for Water Purification
  • Alum for athlete’s foot
  • Alum for Shaving
  • Bleeding cuts
  • Alum for Cracked Heels
  • Relieves muscle cramps
  • Use as a mouth wash
  • Alum for Eye Abscess
  • Alum for Canker Sores


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