What is the Full Story Of Rachael Durie’s face photographs?

Rachael Durie Face Photos Killed by means of Who? -

Rachael Durie’s face photographs

I, Nicholas David Porter Durie, visa number 035677544, born on the sixteenth of June 1983 in Dundee, Scotland and resident of the United Kingdom do hereby swear to tell the truth regarding Rachel Corrie’s case before Raji Sourani on the sixteenth of March 2003.

I am living within Palestine territories as a means of showing solidarity with Palestinians people through joining and participating in human rights work done by the International Solidarity Movement. On the fifth of March, 2003 I reached Ben Gurion airport where I stayed for a few days in Jerusalem and then moved into the Gaza Strip on the 9th of March proceeding to Rafah to join ISM activists there. https://technologywolf.net/

On the evening of 16th Mar., I found myself inside Hello es Salam part of Rafah helping to build a little hut for a Palestinian family that we knew. To construct this building it was two D-9 tractors working next door with a tank behind them that first Alice along with me saw when looking for nails around their home’s periphery. When I realized their activities Alice went back to the family we were helping to build for calling others from our group. It was about a quarter until two o’clock early morning hours when all ISM activists who worked towards Rafah had already reached where these tractors were operating. See more on Rachael Durie’s face photographs here

For several hours after seeing those tractors, wherever they tried to destroy civilian buildings and themselves, we positioned ourselves physically between them time and again trying to restrict, frustrate, and limit their operations. Seldom would they slow down whereas at times we were forced away; nevertheless it became clear that these drivers had control over levers powering these machines but were always aware of us being there. Indeed once shortly after three o’clock, one tractor ran over me while I sat among loads of earth dropped off between its blade and the foundations of an uncompleted building; the tractor driver saw me and I saw him so it stopped.

With this, and perhaps in response to our attempts to prevent them from demolishing civilian structures, the tractors on either side of the container withdrew into their respective walls which had remained fixed at the boundary strip. Then this tank fired a teargas canister some hundred yards away from us. The wind then blew it away from us; it discharged several rounds next to the fuel canister into the ground.

I knew it was tear gas as the little amount of fuel around me made my eyes water. At intervals, the tractors would slow down, and in some cases, we were forced to move but it was clear to me that the tractor drivers were fully in charge of their machines and they always took care when we were near.

Heaped earth from one side and his unfinished building’s foundations had wedged me between them while I sat on the ground a while ago; I saw him see me and for now, he decided to back up.

After this incident, the tractors began moving lines almost parallel to the boundary strip edging inwards towards the Hi es Salam area. Click on it

Once more I killed them one after another as they steadily approached the locus in the day’s dreadful apex. It wasn’t long before there was a change in the movement pattern of the tractors (from perpendicular to the boundary strip towards circular about it) also closer to Dr Samir’s house torn gas was used again by an armoured vehicle tank moved ahead alongside the boundary strip and tear gas shells followed. This didn’t work either since this was tried only once during that particular day. The final shooting of the tear gas round occurred at around three o’clock, or perhaps barely earlier

Thom along with myself (who now I know is one Thomas Dale) continued after Dr Samir’s home because it moved closer. We heard a small explosion behind us but did not see where it came from. This subsided without further incident and until approximately 30 minutes later all eight of us made our way over to where Rachel died.

The two D-9 tractors worked within an area surrounding a house we sleep in (that said complete ruin). It has inscriptions about what people think about us and is positioned next to a collapsed structure i.e., ruined concrete debris, a walled olive grove full of garbage inside a spot behind the collapsed structure.


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