Salwan Momika, a man who burnt the Holy Qur’an in Sweden, was found dead in Norway..

salwan momika

Salwan Sabah Matti Momika (born 23 June 1986) is an Iraqi refugee and a critic of Islam, known for arranging demonstrations in Sweden where he publicly burned the Quran.


Momika was born into a Christian family in northern Iraq, but viewed himself as atheist. Momika came to Sweden as a refugee after having been politically active in Iraq where he was part of Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) that fought against the Islamic State.

He has appeared in videos in militia attire pledging allegiance to the Imam Ali Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Movement of Iraq which operated under the PMF. He then presented himself as the officer of a militia called the Brigade of the Spirit of God Jesus, Son of Mary.

He was also a founder of the political party Syriac Democratic Union and the Hawks Syriac Forces, an arme

Quran burnings

In 2023, Monika arranged a series of demonstrations as a critique on Islam. During these demonstrations, he desecrated the Quran by burning it under police protection.

The Quran burnings were accompanied by attacks towards Momika.

Also in 2023, the Swedish Migration Agency decided that Momika is to be expelled from the country.

Due to threats against him in Iraq, the expulsion could however not be exercised, and he thus received a new temporary residence permit until April 2024.

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Salwan Momika, a man who burnt the Holy Qur’an in Sweden, was found dead in Norway.


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