Small Business to Bleed Profits One Drop at a Time


On average, around 20% of small business fail within the first year, and about 50% close after their fifth.

Although there are multiple causes for a business’s failure, a major one is losing profits, which is the lifeblood of every successful venture. But when you know where to look, it’s possible to pinpoint the areas that are wasting valuable cash. You may be new to running a company, and you’re not sure which areas cause a financial loss in business.

Sounds like you? Don’t worry. You’ve come to the right place. Here are five things that can cause this.

1. Not Tracking Expenses 

A significant cause behind small business failure is not correctly tracking expenses. As a result, you’ll need to know where it went to waste a considerable sum of money. You can prevent this by using a budgeting app for your business.

Note that no expense is too small as the smaller ones often get overlooked and build up over time.

2. Marketing Incorrectly 

Businesses also lose money by not marketing their brand correctly. You needn’t spend a fortune on your marketing efforts because most are free. For instance, grow your audience by posting regular updates on social media and connecting with customers.

You should also optimize your website and curate an email subscriber list, as it lets you stay at the forefront of your client’s minds.

3. More Staff Than Necessary

Profitable businesses know how to find the perfect number of employees to manage the workload. A significant mistake business owners make is hiring a team member for minor tasks as it wastes money. If you’re a small business, grow your team slowly and only when necessary, such as around the holidays.

Further, business owners should invest in employee training to satisfy their teams. Note employee turnover is costly, from lost productivity to time wasted, so show your appreciation to your team regularly.

4. Relying on Loans

Business owners often make the mistake of relying on loans, which results in substantial financial losses.

Having one as a startup is understandable, but if you’re relying on multiple loans, then rethink your plan. Most loans generate interest, and you’ll spend ages repaying them when you could be making a profit.

5. Failing to Automate 

If losing money isn’t an option, then automate your business. You could automate email newsletters, social media posts, and follow-ups, saving you a lot of time. Further, use deductions management to help you spot potential issues, and you’ll save a fortune.

6. Avoid Financial Loss in Business Today

Hopefully, you’ll use these tips to prevent financial loss in business.

Make sure you regularly track expenses, harness the power of free marketing, and choose the perfect amount of staff for your organization. You should also avoid relying on loans and automating tedious tasks, as it’ll boost productivity. Good luck with your venture!

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