How to write a powerful about page?


Creating an about page is often the ordeal of the web entrepreneur. Here you are in front of your screen, wondering what you will be able to put there. Your surname, first name, profession? And then? Writing a page about is not limited to giving one’s marital status. After the home page, the presentation page is often the most consulted of a site. It should therefore not be neglected. To write an impactful “about me” page, follow these 8 key tips:

  • Start by catching the reader’s interest.
  • Seduce him by telling your story.
  • Take his place for a few moments.
  • Inspire him confidence.
  • Be human in your description.
  • Optimize your content.
  • Make people want to know more about you.
  • Take the time to develop a relationship between you and your potential customer, then invite them to join you further.

Learn more about each tip for writing a good about page in this article.

Hook the reader with the about us page

Writing an about page means making introductions with the reader. He came to your site via a link or a Google search, but he doesn’t know you well enough yet. Will he stay and chat with you for a while or settle for a polite handshake? To whet their curiosity, the description should make them want to know more about you. And this desire, you only have a few seconds to develop ghostwriter. Three seconds exactly. What vision of you and your job do you want to give? What is the message you would like to convey? Summarize the presentation of the company with a catchphrase that will make the user want to stay chatting with you a little longer… and maybe even have a coffee with you.

Write a custom about page

When you created your company’s website, the “about us” page was not necessarily the one that required the most thought. You’ve looked at a few reference sites explaining the basics of writing an “about me” page. Most of the time, you have contented yourself with answering the questions: who? what? Where? when? How? ‘Or’ What? And possibly why, if you have some space left.

But the purpose of the about page is not just to inform the potential customer. Go further by seducing your reader. Tell your story, explain your journey and above all write from the heart. An original about page is a reflection of your personality, write it with emotion. To do this, use storytelling techniques (or the art of telling stories).

Communicate about the company by putting yourself in the customer’s shoes

Whether you’re a start-up or a web stalwart that’s been around for several years, try writing an about page from the perspective of the prospect. For this, it can be useful to define your persona, in other words your ideal customer. Who is he? How do you represent it? How old is he? What is he doing in life? Is he single, in couple, in family?

Take a few moments to think about the type of customer you want to address. What can you bring him? How to meet their needs?

Define your why: starting from an initial situation and a given problem, what solution did you find? Explain your journey in order to provoke empathy in the prospect, who will recognize himself in your story. Then, explain to him how your product or your services will be able to solve his problem.

The purpose of an about page is not to shine, but to convince that you are in the right place at the right time. Eventually, I’ll have that coffee, thank you. Can you tell me more about your offer?

Write a page about me that gives confidence

Imagine yourself at a social gathering: petit fours, canapés and champagne. You have been invited by a friend, but you don’t know anyone in the room. Your friend introduces you to one of the guests, thinking you might get on well. Or it presents itself. The usual presentations made; he tells you about the commercial offer he has just launched. As the conversation progresses, he makes you understand that this offer is really made for you! Only, when you ask him for more details, this guest answers in an evasive way… Would you trust him?

On the Net as in life, trust is earned by proof. Give figures, references. Don’t wait to be asked for testimonials from satisfied customers, feature them on your page. Communicate on the figures of the company, be ready to take out of your pocket a beautiful business card or the support of your friend who is full of praise for your services.

Humanize the company biography

Now that your prospect knows you a little better, after talking to you, he would like to know what you look like. Imagine that you are looking for love and have created a profile on a well-known dating site. What do you think of listings that don’t have photos? Are you going to dwell on their profile?

For the customer, it’s the same thing. He wants to know who is hiding behind the screen before going any further. Put a photo of you and your team on your about page. Give your name. Be smiling and engaging. Create a beautiful visual of your team like that of the Redact du Web from which you can draw inspiration!

Your reader will be grateful that you are dealing with a real person and not a robot behind his screen. With a smile and more, you put all the chances on your side!

Optimizing the about page for SEO

Create the link with the reader, yes, but the meeting still has to happen! A good optimization of your about page allows you to position yourself on key queries relating to your products or services. An optimized presentation page will be highlighted by search engines. Before welcoming your visitor on the doorstep, give him the opportunity to walk past it with a Google search.

Use copywriting to make people want to go further

Copywriting is a writing technique that captures attention by stimulating the imagination and arousing curiosity. The “about me” page can be optimized by the copywriter who will be able to bring your story to life in order to reach the Internet user and give him the irrepressible desire to stay with you. The objective is to make him click so that he continues his visit to the website, and to make him want to place an order or use your services. The copywriter uses hard-hitting arguments to direct the client to links that pique their interest. It thus brings him to the point where he has only one desire: to buy your product or your service, because that is exactly what he needs at this precise moment.

End your about page with a call to action

You hooked the reader, then convinced them of your skills and experience. You managed to seduce him with a beautiful description. It’s time to motivate him to take action! Because the purpose of your website is to sell.

Several options are available to you:

  • redirect it with a link to an internal page of your site which presents your offer in more detail;
  • offer to leave their contact details in order to continue to get to know each other, by sending a newsletter for example;
  • send him to a registration form for a first contact;
  • ask her out on a first date.

Your customer should feel guided throughout their visit to the site, and this begins on the presentation page. Do not neglect it, it is the first step towards the beginning of a fulfilled relationship!

Would you like to write a powerful about page for your website, but despite our advice you think you need help? Call on our professional editors at Web who will know how to bring your presentation page to life by reflecting your values ​​and your expertise.


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