Instagram Bio Tricks You Haven’t Tried Yet


With over 800 million monthly active users, Instagram is one of the most popular social media apps around today. There are plenty of ways to use the platform to increase engagement and attract new followers, but did you know there are several secret bio tricks that can make your account stand out even more? Here are a few sneaky techniques you can use to look more appealing and get more likes from your followers.

How Do You Create a Perfect Instagram Bio?

Once you have the perfect photo and caption lined up. The next step is to take a look at your Instagram bio. This can be a place where you can really show off who you are in a unique way. Here are some tips on how to do it right:

1.   Add Your Name

One of the most overlooked things people do is not adding their name when they upload their profile picture. It’s crucial that you include this so people know exactly who they’re following!

2.   Tag Locations

Adding your location in biografie Instagram will make it easy for other people who live nearby or might want to visit that place again in the future. And if you happen to travel a lot, tagging each city or country will allow your followers to keep track of all your adventures.

3.   Include Hobbies

What are some of the things you like to do outside of taking pictures? Writing poetry? Painting landscapes? If there’s something interesting about you that doesn’t fit into the description field but still wants everyone else to know more about you, then adding it here could be a good idea!

4.   Use an Out-of-the-Box Hashtag

With a little creativity and ingenuity, there’s no limit on what words/phrases could work as hashtags. Why not choose one that relates to your interests? As long as it isn’t too common (i.e., love), then go ahead and use it because you’ll definitely stand out from the rest of the crowd.

5.   Don’t Be Afraid To Share Personal Details

One thing you don’t need to worry about is being too personal because only your followers will see it, and only if they follow you back. So why not add quirky details such as your favorite TV show or how many pets you have?

That way, your follower can get to know you better and understand what makes you tick. You should also avoid using hashtags in your bio; instead save them for posts so that you’re getting the maximum engagement possible.

6.   Add Links

Links in your bio are great for enticing potential followers with offers or discounts on products they might find useful or interesting. But whatever links you decide to put here, just make sure they relate to your account and that those websites haven’t changed over time.

Nothing is worse than clicking on a link in someone’s bio and finding yourself redirected somewhere completely different. Another tactic to consider would be linking your social media accounts together so that people looking for you can quickly scan through everything you’ve got going on.

7.   Put A Quote At The End Of Your Bio

As we mentioned before, there are plenty of options when it comes to hashtags. And while we never recommend having any in your bio, quotes offer another opportunity for giving yourself an edge over other users. There are plenty of sites that offer quotes for free, but even if you just search for quotes on Google, chances are high that you’ll find something fitting your tastes.

Just remember that the quote has to be relatable, or it’s not worth putting it up. For example, if you post I’m a photographer, and then you follow it with a quote about running away from home as a child, people are going to be left scratching their heads and wondering who you are. Unless of course, that’s your goal.

8.   Avoid Mistakes

When it comes to writing captions on Instagram posts, there are two errors that people often make. The first is trying to cram too much information in there and the second is failing to capitalize letters or punctuate properly. Keep your captions short and sweet for the best results.

Bottom Line

Getting an Instagram account is a great way to share pictures and videos of your life and connect with friends, family, and people all over the world. It’s also a great place to promote yourself or your business!

Now you may be wondering how you can make the most out of this app-based social media site that has become so popular in recent years. Read our complete blog on Prisma Solution for more sneaky Instagram biography ideas and tricks!


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