4 Common Retail Packing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


Brand packaging is often an afterthought, but it’s one of the most important decisions you’ll make when launching a product. The wrong packaging can ruin your business. While the right packaging can get your product on shelves and into customers’ hands. Here are some common brand packaging mistakes. That you should avoid at all costs and what to do if you find yourself already making them.

Your retail packaging is one of the most important decisions you can make for your business. Whether it’s custom retail packaging boxes, retail packing boxes wholesale, or retail product branding – a good package will always be able to convey its intended message. But there are many common mistakes that can ruin any chance of success before you even get start! In this blog post, we’re going to discuss 5 common retail packaging mistakes and how to avoid them.


1. Your brand packaging is one of the most important decisions in your business. 

Your retail packaging is one of the most important decisions you can make for your business. Whether it’s custom retail packaging boxes, retail packing materials wholesale. Or retail product branding – a good package will always be able to convey its intended message.

But there are many common mistakes that can ruin any chance of success before you even get start. In this blog post, we’re going to discuss five common retail packaging mistakes and how to avoid them.

The first mistake occurs when companies try too hard with their brand identity. You want people to notice your logo. But if they don’t get past all the graphics on your retail box, then what’s the point? This especially applies when you have images next to text because chances are nobody’s going to read it.

The best retail packaging looks professional and is simple enough. That people can easily tell what they’re buying at first glance. And then focus on the product itself rather than trying to figure out what’s being sale!

Next, you need to be mindful of your retail box structure. One common mistake here is having too many colors or graphic elements, which makes for a cluttered appearance. If someone has trouble distinguishing where one part of an item begins and the other ends. This will only confuse them even more, so try sticking with basic shapes or lines instead if possible.

2. There are many common packaging mistakes that you should avoid at all costs. 

One retail packaging mistake which you should avoid at all costs is putting too much emphasis on the product name rather than your company’s brand. If someone can’t see or read your logo, colors, text, and other distinguishing marks. Then there really isn’t a point in having them to begin with!

You need to be sure that everything about your retail box design – not just its appearance but also how it feels when held as well as any sound effects for example, if relevant – appeals directly to consumers who are looking specifically for what you offer.

Otherwise, they won’t feel like they’re getting their money’s worth out of this purchase, so take some time to consider every angle before moving forward.

Next, depending on where you plan on selling these retail boxes, you will have to decide if you want a retail box that is only going to be used once or something recyclable.

The environmental impact of your packaging should also factor into this decision as it could sway the consumers one way or another, so take this into consideration too!

Finally, don’t forget about protecting all those things inside from damage during transit!

3. Learn how to avoid five common retail packaging mistakes that can ruin your business before it even begins.  

These retail packing boxes aren’t just containers; they are advertising tools, so you want them to do what is need of them!

First on the list? Not having a plan for retail boxes or not thinking about who will be using these retail boxes for shipping purposes.

When you don’t know where the products inside are going and if they’re meant for one-time use or long-term storage, then why spend money customizing retail boxes? This could end up being an expensive mistake when you have already ordered thousands of units without knowing what’s coming next!

As you can see, retail boxes are meant to tell a story about your brand. This is why it’s important to take the time and think through each retail box before they’re ordered!

Here are 4 common retail packaging mistakes that you should avoid at all costs: 

– Not having a plan for retail boxes or not thinking about who will be using these retail boxes for shipping purposes. This could end up being an expensive mistake when you have already ordered thousands of units without knowing what’s coming next! Learn how to avoid making this costly error by checking out this blog post today.

– Spending too much on custom retail packaging, then finding out that there was no one interested in purchasing them once they were customized. Custom retail packaging is an investment, so it’s important to ensure that you are getting your retail boxes for the right price.

– Not doing enough research on retail packaging before ordering custom retail boxes or cutting corners by not asking suppliers about their production capabilities. If there aren’t any retail packaging companies who can produce. What you need, then custom retail boxes might be out of reach until you make more progress in growing your business!

– Using stock photography instead of original photos when designing new retail packing design. Stock imagery doesn’t inspire confidence if a customer has never seen them before, and they’re very impersonal as well. Use high-quality images that customers will remember with every glance at the retail package they buy from you!

4. If you’re already making these mistakes, learn how you can fix them today! 


– Breaking retail packaging down into individual elements, especially if it’s retail food boxes. While you may be able to see how the elements of your retail box are constructed. When they’re sitting on a shelf in their flat form, customers can’t yet visualize what they’ll look like once expanded and assembled around the product!

– Using too much detail for a retail packing design. You want something that is easy enough for anyone with average eyesight to read!

The most common mistakes made by companies who don’t have custom retail packaging or any other professional designers helping them create their designs are typically overcomplicating things because they aren’t professionals themselves. They think that retail package design needs to be more complex than it really does.

– Not knowing your retail product inside and out before beginning retail packaging design work is a big mistake to avoid in retail packing designs. This helps you create the most effective retail package possible for that particular product!

– Using too many different a mistake that people make. They might not have professional help, and they think it makes their brand stand out more than if they just use one font color throughout all of their branding materials.


Retail packaging boxes are a key component of any marketing strategy. If you want to make sure your customers receive the right message, it’s important that you avoid these common mistakes. Not only will this ensure they know what product is inside and how much it costs; there can be legal ramifications as well if something goes wrong with their order or delivery process. However, print my box offers retail packing solutions that fit every budget and businesses need to take advantage of our services today!


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