The Only 4 Steps to Help Your Constipated Child Poop


Do you remember the feeling of having a super-solid poop that was hard to get out? If you’re still in your teens or early 20s, it is likely that this unpleasant situation doesn’t happen very often. But if you have children, then you must have experienced this situation once or twice.

Constipated kids are extremely common. In fact, around 40% of children will experience constipation at some point in their lives. So as a parent, how can you help your child relieve themselves easily and quickly? Read on to find out more about dealing with constipation in children and the 4 simple steps of potty training boys to help your constipated child poop faster.

Step 1: Know Your Child’s Normal bowel movement frequency

To begin with, it is important that you know the child’s normal bowel movement frequency. This will help you in determining if the child is constipated or not. In kids aged 2 to 5, they have a bowel movement once a day. Kids aged 6 to 11 have two bowel movements a day. And for kids aged 12 to 18, they have two or three bowel movements a day. Note that these numbers are only general estimates and may not apply to every child. If you have noticed a sudden change in the frequency of your child’s bowel movements (say, once a day to once every three days), then they might be suffering from constipation.

Step 2: Check dietary habits

If your child is constipated, then it is likely that they have a dietary issue. It is advisable to consult a doctor and change your child’s diet to help them poop easily. You can check for the following dietary issues and change them. If your child is drinking too much formula, breast milk, or cow’s milk, then they might be constipated. This is because these drinks contain low fiber and it is not enough for a child’s body.

The best option is to give water to your child until they are 3 years old. Water has zero calories and enough fiber for the child’s body. Another important dietary issue is the lack of fiber in the diet. Fiber is very important for constipation in children. It will help the child poop easily and quickly. So be sure to include fiber-rich foods in your child’s diet.

Step 3: Help your child exercise

Exercising is a great way to improve your child’s digestive system. If your child is suffering from constipation, then it is a great idea to include some forms of exercise in their daily routine. There are many types of exercise that your child can do to relieve themselves from constipation.

Yoga is a great way to help your child relax and feel good while helping them poop better. Swimming is another great exercise that can help your child poop easily. Kickboxing is also a great way to poop easily. If your child is constipated and is not able to poop, then it is a good idea to encourage them to exercise. Exercise will help them relax and will improve their digestive system.

Step 4: Try out natural laxatives for constipation in children

If your child is constipated and you have tried everything in your power to help them poop but nothing seems to be working, then try out natural laxatives for constipation in children. There are a few natural laxatives that you can try out to help your child poop easily. Bananas – Bananas are a great source of fiber.

They are easy to digest, and they are very helpful in constipation. Yogurt – Yogurt is a great source of probiotics and calcium. Both of these will help your child poop easily and quickly. Oatmeal – Oatmeal is a very rich source of fiber and calcium. It will help your child poop easily and quickly. Ginger – Ginger is one of the most common herbs that are used as natural laxatives. It will help your child poop easily and quickly.


Constipation in children is very common. You can help your child poop easily and quickly with the help of these 4 simple steps. The first step is to know your child’s normal bowel movement frequency. The second step is to check dietary habits. The third step is to help your child exercise.

The fourth and last step is to try out natural laxatives for constipation in children. Now that you know how to help your constipated child poop with ease, you can relax knowing that your child is in good hands.


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