Instagram feeds: what are they?


Instagram feeds

Instagram feeds are a quick, point-and-click way to get your message across. Especially if you buy Instagram followers.

Mostly, the purpose of a newsletter is to sell. It is a truly underappreciated tool that can increase sales many times over, and for pennies. Provided the newsletter text is relevant to the potential customer’s interests. And sent at moderate intervals.

Please note, we are talking about a mailing list through Instagram. Where people go every day, and check personal messages by themselves.

By e-mail, the effect is completely different. With few exceptions a person will either delete the message at once or it will be automatically moved to the spam folder. But this is not the way to attack, even on Instagram:

When launching an Instagram newsletter, text plays a huge role. It should be as “salesy” and as unlike spam as possible.

If you trust Google, the main disadvantage of an Instagram feed is the risk of getting your account blocked. But if you dig deeper and study the algorithms, you can understand that the mailing to Instagram is a completely safe tool.


Instagram updates: when and for whom they’ll be useful 

Instagram feeds are ideal for reaching out to existing subscribers, whether they are upgrades or potential clients. And for security reasons, it is not suitable for reaching new followers. To get new followers, you can buy real Instagram followers


Mailings are particularly useful for those who want to increase sales. It is also useful for engaging your audience. 

The objectives of an Instagram newsletter can be different:

– to present a new product;

– to tell about the action;

– to remind you to make an appointment, etc.

For example, you’ve published an important post. You need maximum publicity, but Instagram is being mean and only shows it to 30% of the audience. This is a perfect application for an Instagram post. Send out the post to existing conversations. It’s more profitable than retargeting.

Make sure the “important post” is a sellable one beforehand:

Another example – you have a new special offer and you want everyone to know about it. Or you’ve launched a promotion and you need to get as many people involved as possible!

You’ve planned an event, how do you get all your clients to come? Send out the invitations!

Sales are down, you need an urgent reminder. Send out information to customers you’ve previously had a dialogue with.

The benefits of mass mailings on Instagram:

  • Effectively and quickly informs your audience;
  • Ease of process – the mailing can be fully delegated;
  • Improves targeting results. There is no 100% conversion from targeting, but by supplementing targeting with a mailing list, you can bring the conversion rate up to ideal;
  • Low cost – more profitable than retargeting. Even if everything is delegated: the text will be written by a copywriter, the messages will be sent by a bot;
  • You can include it in your autofunnel and constantly remind yourself of it.


Instagram newsletter limits 

Instagram is constantly updating its policy and is increasingly blocking users for spam. You can be blocked if: you send messages frequently, you send them with the same frequency, you send the same type of text. Check it out:

This is especially true for new accounts. From the moment of registration 12-20 days you are under scrutiny. Total limit of actions on the page should not exceed 500 (including likes, subscriptions, comments, etc.).

Current message limits:

  • new subscribers – 70 sms/day
  • unsubscribes – 50 sms/day

Tips for sending automated messages to Instagram 

  • Pay most attention to the text – don’t send unsolicited text in the client’s language of interest. It has to be short and useful to the client. And constant randomization, as written above (Hello/Greetings/Good day, we want to offer you…).
  • Friendly tone. This doesn’t just apply to the style of the text. You have to build trust with the client. Don’t try to deceive. Study the needs and really offer something that works for the person. Unless, of course, you want to work long term.
  • Don’t push the mailing too much. It should be light and unobtrusive, about once a month


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