How to Create a Twitter Marketing Strategy in 2022


Are you already marketing on Twitter? Many Twitter users could become fans of your brand since 48% of those who are regularly on this type of channel say they follow one of them.

All this represents a great opportunity. It’s time to launch a Twitter marketing strategy.

Twitter Features

Twitter is a good tool for staying up-to-date, connecting, and growing your network. It also ensures good results for those who want to increase brand visibility and communicate with relevant people and topics. This social media channel is popular and has a consistent and highly diverse audience influx.

Despite the limited space for posts, those 280 characters are enough to tweet about exciting news for brand followers, details of new releases, links to a blog post, or questions you want to answer publicly.

The advantages of marketing on Twitter

  • You can take advantage of it to keep your followers updated up to the minute. Opportunities, such as sweepstakes and prizes, the announcement of events and new releases, product changes, or regulatory updates, maybe some of the topics to cover. In this network, current news is the central axis of the publications.
  • The limitation of characters must be understood as an opportunity rather than as a simple limitation. Those who overcome the challenge of restricted space for each publication are able to send clear and direct messages to their audience without detours. This form of communication allows a better connection with the user’s needs, although it requires a good strategy and a polished technique to ensure that the messages arrive properly.
  • A global network that, at the same time, offers the possibility of becoming a local trending topic. If your posts become a trend, you are one step closer to becoming viral.
  • Twitter is the channel that makes it easier for you to adorn the expression of network users when reading you. Using memes, you join Generation Z and help make your content viral.

How to Create a Twitter Marketing Strategy in 2022

Maybe you are already publishing content on Twitter, but do you know how to take advantage of the possibilities of this social network? If you want to improve results or want to get started with your Twitter marketing strategy, it may come in handy to take note of these steps that will help you achieve it:

1. Define marketing objectives

The goal of your Twitter marketing strategy doesn’t have to be just to sell more. There are more options to benefit the business and drive brand awareness. For example, you can set goals related to:

  • Get notoriety. Your updated publications with relevant information can help you become a reference, an authority in the sector.
  • Generate traffic. The space that Twitter leaves you for each tweet is more than enough to include a call to action and a link to the point of sale/website/blog.
  • Generate leads. Twitter allows you to understand your audience better and segment it. In your social network channel, you can get prospects to advance in their journey until they become LEDs, and quality content will speed up the process.
  • Stimulate purchases. Offers, discounts, promotions, raffles. You have many tools at your disposal to ensure that a tweet triggers that impulse that leads customers to include your product in the shopping cart.

These are just a few examples of marketing goals you can set. The possibilities are vast, and anything is possible, as long as your actions on Twitter follow clear guidelines.

2. Analyze audience

The effectiveness of Twitter marketing initiatives improves when informed decisions are made. It is what you can achieve using tools such as advanced search. From its filters, you will be able to recognize the most interesting users, and you only need to search by keywords or by location.

Before the analysis phase, it is important that you are clear about your objectives. In this way, you will get more out of the search.

3. Define tone

As in any marketing communication on Twitter, the tone is a key aspect to consider. It must be consistent with the values of the brand. Based on this coherence, the posts can take on a more serious or humorous touch, depending on the content.

If you are looking for inspiration, you can find it by following fast-food chains such as KFC or Telepizza on this network, which have a young audience and adopt a humorous and carefree tone. They constantly use memes and manage to make many of them go viral. His secret is to completely blend in with the vocabulary and tastes of his audience . Do you already know how you could emulate them?

4. Analyze hashtags and trends

Hashtags are keywords with the potential to create trends and build community. They bring you closer to new user segments and give your Twitter marketing campaigns an identity. Surely you have already used them to label your tweets, and now you have to achieve the next challenge: make your audience share them.

It will be easier for you to achieve this if, when creating your own hashtag, you take into account the following points:

  • Focus on the audience and not just the product.
  • Get creative to make it non-flat and elicit an emotion.
  • Get to the point.
  • Mark the difference. Your goal is to be unique.

5. Begin to create content

It is time to start generating content for your brand. To make this process easier for you, Twitter puts at your disposal different tools and functionalities that will be very useful for achieving your goals.

Next, we review what formats and novelties are available this 2022.

Usual formats: These are tweets in text format with a maximum of 280 characters, to which photos and videos can also be added. In 2022, new possibilities are added that your brand must explore and take advantage of.

I want to emphasize the importance of short videos for social media. So start to create fancy short videos to attract followers on Twitter with tools like Animoto, FlexClip or Canva.

Communities on Twitter: If your posts on this network revolve around a specific topic, you can create one and moderate it. Please note that in this case, users will need to receive an invitation to participate. It is a good idea to create communities related to the topics that interest your audience since this makes it easier for your brand to become a prescriber.

To maintain the flow of communication, you can take advantage of both your own content (from other platforms, such as a blog) and external content that you consider can also add value to the community.

Tweet Takes: This is a functionality that will be available soon. It consists of an option that will allow you to quote a tweet with video reactions or images. This makes a new form of expression available to your company and enhances the video format, which is becoming the king format and will be established in 2022.

6. Measure the success of your goals

Measurement is the basis of continuous improvement. Metrics allow you to see which areas can be optimized and decide on the adjustments that will be most effective. Twitter provides a complete tool to measure your results: Twitter Analytics.

In view of the data, you will be able to find out when it is better to tweet or what content obtains the best evaluation by users, among other things. This knowledge will be key to making your brand stronger on the social network.

However, the Twitter marketing strategy mustn’t be an independent initiative but one more part of the general brand. Try to integrate all the steps in this channel within the Social Media content strategy.


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