How To View Instagram Stories On Your Smartphone


When Instagram launched Stories, it instantly became one of the most popular features on the app. With more than 200 million users logging in daily, Stories has become a great way to share photos and videos with friends and family in a short format. Instagram Stories is available on smartphones running iOS and Android. Unfortunately, if you want to view Instagram stories on your smartphone, you need to use an app that supports this feature. Apps like gSticle or InstaTV will not work in order to access official Instagram features. You can check out our article about the best Instagram creators for inspiration if you’re looking for options outside of the app ecosystem. In this post, we’ll explain how to view Instagram stories on your smartphone so you can access them when you want without using third-party apps or browser extensions.

How to View Instagram Stories on Android

Instagram storie are not supported on the official Android app, but there are several third-party alternatives available. You can use the official Instagram website on your phone, but it has a few limitations that can be worked around with a third-party app. The most straightforward way to view Instagram storiess on Android is to install an Instagram app like gSticle. article has been around since the beginning of time and is the most reliable way to view Instagram storie on Android. There are also third-party Instagram apps that let you view stories on your phone. Some of the more popular choices include InstaTV, InstaVideo, and InstaPort. All of these applications let you view and comment on Instagram storie on your phone.

How to View Instagram Stories on iOS

Instagram storie are not available on the official iOS app, but with a few workarounds, you can view Instagram stories on your iOS device. Viewing Instagram storie on iOS is not as straightforward as on Android, but thankfully there are some apps available to help out. The most straightforward way to view Instagram stories on iOS is to install an Instagram app like the article. the article has been around since the beginning of time and is the most reliable way to view Instagram stories on iOS. There are also third-party Instagram apps that let you view stories on your phone. Some of the more popular choices include InstaTV, InstaVideo, and InstaPort. All of these applications let you view and comment on Instagram stories on your phone.

Instaport: View Instagram Stories on the Website

Instagram storie are not supported on the official website, but there is another way to view Instagram stories on your computer. This method is a bit more complicated, but it will let you view Instagram stories on your computer. First, you need to install an extension that works with your browser. The most popular choice is Instaport, which has a Chrome extension that lets you view Instagram storie in a Chrome browser. You can also use the extension with Firefox, Opera, and Safari. Instaport is a bit more complicated than just installing an app or extension, but it’s worth it. Once the extension is enabled in your browser, you’ll need to sign up for an Instagram account. To do this, you’ll need to visit Instagram’s website and click on the “Sign Up” button. When you click on the “Sign Up” button, you’ll be taken to a page where you can sign up for an Instagram account. You’ll need to enter your details, pick a password, and then click “Finish Sign Up”. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to view Instagram storie on your computer.


Instagram Storie is one of the most popular features on the app, and it’s easy to see why. Compared to disappearing photos on Facebook, Instagram Storie are fun, interactive, and can be used to share snippets of your day with your friends. However, the Instagram Storie feature is only available on smartphone apps, and it’s not an option to view your Stories on a computer. That means you’ll need to use an app to view your Stories on your phone or computer. This makes it a little tricky to view Stories if you want to access this feature on all of your devices. That said, there are a few workarounds. The most straightforward is to install an Instagram app like gSticle. This is the most reliable way to view Instagram Storie, and it’s available for Android and iOS devices.


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