6 Key factors when buying a CBD tincture


Ever since the farm bill’s passage, CBD seems to be everywhere, and it has fueled the interest of many. The substance does not intoxicate users as it does not produce the psychoactive effect like the THC counterpart. It comes from the hemp plant and appears to have a solution to almost all issues humans face today.  

CBD is available in various forms like CBD gummies, CBD oil, vape oil, CBD bath bomb, etc. They all have CBD as the primary ingredient and perform multiple functions in the body. However, the method of consumption differs, which affects the reaction time.  

Considering the buzz around CBD, its popularity has increased, and it seems almost everywhere. As a result, it is not surprising that counterfeit products will be available. Yet, you cannot just differentiate a counterfeit product from an original one by looking at the package. This makes it essential to know what to look for when buying CBD tinctures.  

This article explores six factors to guide you toward the best CBD tinctures.  

Check for Other Ingredients 

CBD tinctures come with a specific formula. Typically, they usually have a full-spectrum hemp extract with carrier oil. Since the extract might be too thick for the dropper, it features the oil to make it easy to estimate the dose you will need, improving bioavailability. 

Cannabinoids dissolve alcohol and fats, so the presence of carrier oil makes it easy for the body to absorb CBD extracts. Also, the CBD might be infused with other ingredients, which increases the efficacy and  CBD oil benefits.  

Someone who intends to use CBD to improve sleep should consider one with melatonin – a neurotransmitter that enhances sleep.  

Check the Lab Reports  

 Ensure to check for lab reports, as it is one thing that distinguishes an authentic CBD product from a doctored one. It is also called the Certificate of Authenticity in the Cannabis Industry. 

From such a report, you get to know the constituents of what you are buying – the terpenes concentrations, cannabinoids, and possible impurities in the product. Such information might be available on the company’s website or as a barcode on the product’s package. Ensure to request one if it’s not available.  

Common impurities in a tincture include heavy metals, pesticides, and other pathogens. For a certificate of authenticity to be valid, it needs to be provided by a reputable external lab. Also, there should be precise info on the lab’s name, address, and other information.  

The absence of a lab report should be a turn-off, as it could mean the company is trying to hide something. So, think twice before buying such a CBD product.  

Check the Shelf Life 

Another important factor one should pay attention to before buying CBD tincture is the shelf life. Reputable CBD tinctures should last approximately two years. After this, however, the constituents will likely lose their effectiveness and start breaking down. So, the product becomes useless after two years.  

Ensure to check the expiry date of CBD tinctures before buying. Also, make sure the expiry date is still far or risk purchasing a product that you will not enjoy for long.  

The Type of Hemp Extract 

 There are mainly three extract types in CBD tinctures: broad-spectrum, full-spectrum, and CBD isolate. 

  • Full-spectrum is CBD with the fundamental constituent of the hemp plant, including the terpenes, THC cannabinoids, and flavonoids. 
  • CBD isolate contains nothing but CBD  
  • Broad-spectrum is full spectrum minus the THC counterpart.  

The experience you will get from each extract differs due to the constituent. As a result, know what you want before deciding on the hemp extract to settle for. The THC content of full-spectrum is insignificant, so it cannot mess up with your reasoning. For optimum effect, consider the full spectrum as the entire constituent of the hemp plant works together for the user’s benefit. 

Check the Right Milligram Strength  

 Your success with CBD hinges on the milligram strength of the tincture you buy. Milligram strength has to do with the potency level. The number of milligrams present in the hemp extract determines the amount of CBD alongside other plant matters you ingest for every dose.  

The milligram strength (potency) of CBD is unique for everyone because other factors like body weight, activity level, overall health, etc., all affect the potency.  

You can experiment with various potency levels before getting the ideal one for you. However, you can start with a low milligram strength and work your way up based on your needs.  

Stick With Domestically Sourced Hemp  

Ideally, one should know the origin of the hemp used in the CBD tincture. Hemp, being a bioaccumulator crop, cleanses the soil. 

In other words, hemp absorbs everything in the soil around it. Sadly, this might include toxins, pesticides, heavy metals, radiations, etc. As a result, one needs to consider only hemp cultivated in soils tested for toxins.  

Restrict yourself to CBD made from hemp grown in America, states explicitly like Vermont, Tennessee, Colorado, Oregon, Kentucky, and others, as they are safe compared to oversea-grown hemp. California has some of the best hemp products globally, so CBD products from such a location will likely be of high quality.  


Ensure you protect yourself from counterfeit products and buy only CBD tinctures from reputable stores. This article has explored tips to help you see through all marketing gimmicks and patronize reputable CBD tincture dealers.


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