6 Surprising Benefits Of EMDR Therapy


Eye movement desensitization or reprocessing (EMDR) is a popular form of psychotherapy. This involves stimulation using eye movements. It is commonly used to help people deal with traumatic memories. Experiences of the present are also affected by memories and emotions. The eight phases that a licensed therapist uses to guide a client during therapy sessions are eight.

EMDR therapy is gradually becoming more well-known and recognized in clinically successful therapeutic interventions. Many therapeutic benefits might surprise potential clients. EMDR therapy is based upon the belief that unprocessed childhood memories are responsible for negative thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Let’s take a look at six of the surprising benefits that EMDR therapy offers.

Encourages Communication

Traumatic events tend to make a person look inwards as a way to cope with the fear of repeating the trauma. Most people who have suffered trauma prefer to keep their memories to themselves. People who feel that their trauma experience may make them look bad, targeted, or burdensome to others might be at risk.

EMDR encourages people to talk about their experiences with a therapist step by step. It requires individuals to express their feelings, thoughts, and memories. It opens doors to healing when these things are communicated. Individuals can feel empowered when they realize that they are survivors. They also have the power and ability to help others by communicating and connecting with them.

Revaluate Past Events

EMDR has been used to address trauma and mental health issues. EMDR started as an intervention technique for people with post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). EMDR can help improve cognition by connecting the body and mind. Individuals can look at traumatic events from a different perspective with the help of a therapist and make changes to what they see.

It can be as life-altering as the trauma itself if you create a different view or a new lens that allows you to see past events from a different perspective. The ability to see the past from a different perspective allows people to take control of the life adaptations that trauma has caused. Understanding how trauma affects daily life can reduce symptoms of PTSD.

Relationships And Boundaries Change

Processing traumatic memories or events with a licensed therapist is difficult. However, people can feel empowered when they have identified and processed the memories. Trauma can keep others away, making it difficult to open up and causing an emotional and mental blockage.

The positive effects of change can be felt in relationships and the boundaries between them. You might feel more motivated to be different from people and may have more confidence. Relational benefits include being more confident in your dealings with others, sharing more of your views, and setting higher limits. Although some relationships can be improved upon, it is better to leave others where they are. Exercising them will allow you to grow.

You don’t need to feel burdened or overwhelmed. The idea that boundaries are inevitable can lead to expectations about setting boundaries. EMDR is a way to find clarity and balance. Working with a therapist to establish safe boundaries and boundaries can help you change your relationships and create new boundaries.

Rationale-Related Changes

EMDR is used to treat panic and anxiety. The ability to work through trauma and stress reactions gives people the insight they need to stop reacting and instead create rationality. It is possible to minimize trauma triggers like noises and smells that could have caused a traumatic experience. This allows you to look at the real danger of the stimuli. When the brain and body’s survival instinct (fight-flight or freeze), is activated, the reaction will overpower any rational thought or response.

EMDR can help to desensitize rather than allow anxiety or survival instincts to kick in. You can face your life’s challenges with less anxiety, depression, or grief. This improves your life quality. EMDR therapy provides the opportunity to be more present and engage in daily challenges.

Acceptance Creates Mental Strength

To get better, you must first accept your identity, self-esteem, as well as the inner narratives that are the basis of the life stories you live each day. EMDR and guided treatment processing create a safe, calm, and secure environment that allows you to accept your past and move on. Individuals feel empowered and ready to face any obstacles that prevent them from feeling their best.

Once you have acknowledged your past and made peace with it, you can feel less intimidated. Mental bullies should be eliminated so that you can finally feel capable of leaving the past behind.

Negative emotions from the past have no power to overtake and ruin the rest of your day. Empowering being aware of the past without triggering a reaction or response from the past can be achieved. Being able to accept uncertainty and overcome panic is possible by not living with anxiety or panic.

Profound is best option for EMDR therapy, if you want to know more about this therapy you can check our site https://profoundtreatment.com/


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