6 Important Tips To Follow For Proper Sleep


Proper Sleep

Everyone knows that restful sleep is a must for a healthy body and mind, but not everyone has this pleasure. Perhaps your anxiety prevents you from sleeping well, or maybe you have severe insomnia.

In a society where everything is done at the last minute, sleep has become a privilege rather than a basic need. This is not just about getting more hours in bed, but the quality of sleep is most important.

There are many ways to improve your night of rest. Here are six essential tips to follow for proper sleep.

Avoid Large Meals Close To Bedtime

Eating a light snack of complex carbohydrates and protein is recommended for better sleep, but avoid having your last meal less than 2 hours before sleeping. Large meals take a long time to digest and cause discomfort if you lie down immediately afterward. 

A light snack before sleeping can also help you avoid waking up during the night because of hunger. Chew on some high quality elephant kratom powder to purchase too, if you feel you’ve had a more extensive food intake than your stomach can handle.

Chewing is beneficial as it helps quicken the digestion process, making it easier to fall asleep. Kratom can help you calm your nerves and allow you to relax after a long and stressful day.

Have a Bedtime Ritual

A set routine signals to your body that it’s time to sleep. The best time to designate is 8 hours before you want to wake up. This means that if you’re aiming for 7 am, the ideal moment would be ten o’clock at night.

Try doing things such as showering or listening to calming music, which will help you unwind and fall asleep. Don’t have a set time? Try winding down by reading, writing in a journal, or meditating before sleeping.

The best thing is to avoid using your phone at night as it stimulates the brain and makes it hard to shut off. A bed is meant for sleeping, not working, or entertaining yourself.

The key is not to watch TV, play on your cell phone or do anything else that may cause you to be awake rather than sleep. Stick to it, and make sure to include the following: a shower, brushing your teeth, and putting on your pajamas.

If you find it impossible to sleep once in bed, try reading a book instead of staring at the ceiling waiting for sleepiness; if that fails too, avoid using electronics before hitting the hay.

Limit Your Alcohol and Fluid Intake

Alcohol may cause fatigue, but after that, it disrupts the sleep cycle and disturbs REM sleep, when memories are consolidated. Furthermore, alcohol causes dehydration, so it’s best to avoid consuming too much of it.

If you need a drink, try doing so three hours before lying down in bed. Alcohol is a widespread cause of disrupted sleep. It’s recommended to avoid alcohol 4 hours before going to sleep – because even if you’re tired, drinking will make it harder for your body and mind to rest.

Drinking water before bed makes it harder for you to fall asleep because of its diuretic properties. Drinking water before bed can also cause discomfort by making you get up to go to the bathroom or disrupting your sleep cycle.

Try to drink at least six glasses of water throughout the day and increase your intake in the morning when you wake up.

Avoid Naps During the Day

Napping should not be done frequently, as being awake for more than 18 hours can prevent you from falling asleep at night. Also, remember that quality sleep is essential- if you’re constantly sleeping poorly, your body won’t have the energy it needs to function well.

Naps can help you stay awake, but on the other hand, they might affect your night sleep. If possible, have a power nap for about 30 minutes- long naps disturb the stages of sleep and make you feel more worn out.

If you wake up at night, avoid looking at the clock because the stress of seeing how late it is may disrupt your sleep. This can be counterproductive because your mind will start racing with thoughts, and you’ll have a hard time going to sleep again.

It’s best to go back to bed and not think about how much time is left until morning.

Exercise Enough During The Day

It’s recommended to exercise daily for about 30 minutes each day- regardless of whether you’re at work or home. You may organize your workout schedule earlier in the day if you feel that exercise promotes better sleep.

Working out during the day will help improve the quality of your sleep because it wears you out but in a healthy way. By bedtime, you’ll be too exhausted to stare blankly at the ceiling as the hours elapse. Thirty minutes of exercise daily is not bad for a start.

Check Your Bedding

Your mattress, pillows, duvets, and blankets are primary contributors to the quality of your sleep. Check on them to ensure they are clean and comfortable enough to facilitate a good night’s rest. You can also look for these awesome Airtrack Mattress for the ultimate comfort. 


The need for sleep is in our genes, and it can’t be avoided, but your habits can help you sleep better. Make sure to take naps only if necessary and follow the tips outlined above to get a good night’s rest!


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