5 Enticing Examples of Digital Signage in Retail Stores


Digital signage is an excellent way to engage your employees and connect with your clients. Human beings are visual, and over 90% of the information we retain is visual. Retail stores that leverage this fact benefit their businesses immensely.

Most shoppers agree that they have entered some stores after a digital sign enticed them. Therefore, effective digital signage content needs to be both informative and enticing. In addition, digital signs are impactful because they are versatile, enabling different uses.

Here are five captivating digital signage examples.

1. Video content 

This digital era has revolutionized the consumption of video content. With the many effects and graphics available, video content has become better. Digital signage displays are a great way to keep your customers entertained and enhance their store experience.

They can enjoy current video shows and other relevant video content. In addition, you can display ads for different products during commercial breaks to enhance your marketing efforts.

2. Images 

Digital signage can help set your store’s mood, and images are a great way to achieve the right mood. For example, you can display images of products, a customer using a specific product, and other eye-catching images that promote customer satisfaction and goodwill.

3. Your store’s social media profiles and story 

Most people use social media, so it is in your store’s best interest to use digital signage to display your social media profiles.

To spice up things, you can also show social media posts of your guests on your digital signs. Give them your hashtag to use and display those posts to appreciate this free advertising.

You can also display your company’s story. Create a memorable brand story that lingers in your customers’ minds because your story distinguishes you from your competitors. The key is to tell your original story, ensuring it resonates with your customers.

Once you create your story, display it on your digital signs to share it with your customers and everyone visiting your store. This is a great way to increase brand awareness.

4. Company updates and notices 

Use digital signs to communicate important notices and company updates to employees and customers. These signs are most effective when you position them strategically throughout your store. This way, you can spread your message quickly.

You can also display trending stories to keep your employees and customers informed about what is trending regionally and worldwide. If the stories resonate with your customers, they may hang around longer to check out the news stories.

In the same signs, you can display news specific to your industry. This is especially beneficial to your employees as it allows your employees to keep tabs on the important changes in the e-commerce industry. These stories can also give your customers something to think about as they wait in line.

You can also display leaderboards in your digital signs. For instance, you can create a leaderboard to rank your staff’s sales success rate to help your team work harder.

Lightning deals are another idea to display on your digital signs to increase sales. They are a surefire way to influence the purchase of a specific product. In addition, when you show such deals in the venue, you boost sales significantly. This is among the major benefits of digital signage.

Trivia questions are a fun way to enhance customer engagement and retain customer attention. Digital signs with a touch screen come in handy as they offer a great way to organize these games. Your customers watch the screens to check whether their answer was wrong or right. In addition, this is a splendid avenue to display ads when their attention is on the screens.

You can also display inspirational quotes on your store’s digital signage. Such quotes are a great way to inspire and uplift your visitors. For instance, you can display quotes from well-known industry leaders or other public figures.

Digital signs are also an ideal platform for displaying ads for new products. This is a great way to introduce them to your customers. Show them what the product is and how it will benefit them by incorporating images and video content. However, it is advisable to intersperse the ads with other entertaining content to keep your visitors engaged.

5. Customer reviews 

Nothing sells your brand more than word-of-mouth advertising. So, customer reviews are essential in the buyer’s decision-making process. Seeing is believing, so once they see the reviews of satisfied customers, they are persuaded to make a purchase.

It is essential to encourage your customers to leave positive reviews after purchasing and using your products. This will impact your store’s profitability immensely.

Your digital signage screen is the ideal platform to show customer reviews. As positive reviews increase, new business opportunities come in. You can also prepare a case study and share it on your digital signage displays.


With all these examples of how you can use digital signage for your store, it is time to incorporate digital marketing into your marketing campaign strategy. You may miss out on significant business by neglecting some of the abovementioned ideas. Remember, your top priority is customer experience, and digital signage is the friend you need to achieve this goal.


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